360 4K video VR cameras - poissible KAP use.

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360 4K video VR cameras - poissible KAP use.

Messagede WindWatchr le Lun 22 Février 2016, 18:40

I can see each these 360 video cameras sitting at the end of a pendulum KAP rig someday soon.


Luna https://youtu.be/5k7swlOhYTY

Sphericam 2 [url]http://www.sphericam.com/

bubl cam [url]http://www.bublcam.com/

Nikon Key Mission 360 [url]http://www.dpreview.com/news/0798103828/nikon-unveils-keymission-360-action-camera

Kodak PixPro - https://twitter.com/KodakPIXPRO

Theta - https://theta360.com/en/about/theta/s.htmlThe real difference here is the 360 4K video combined with VR that lets you just look around and zoom in to view.

This is way different from the 360 still bubble shots.

the dynamic stitching (on the fly depending on where you look) is the key enabling technology.

On line services like YouTube and others are adding in dynamic loading of just the areas that you are viewing.

Looking forward to trying this out from a kite sometime in 2016.

As with all Kite Aerial Video (KAV) a stable platform will be key.

One major difference, no need to pan or tilt.....just shoot.....

I am thinking back to many KAP shots where a bird (or helicopter) would fly nearby but my camera was pointing the other way....not an issue with these new cameras....should be interesting.

No need for a complicated KAP rig!

Could even attach these directly to the kite.

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Re: 360 4K video VR cameras - poissible KAP use.

Messagede André le Mar 23 Février 2016, 20:11

Je ne sais pas trop...
Avec ce type d'engin, on est tout de suite très loin du sujet, non ?
En tous les cas, ça doit plaire parce qu'il en sort de partout, de ces petites caméras 360°
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Re: 360 4K video VR cameras - poissible KAP use.

Messagede titouyou le Mer 29 Juin 2016, 10:11

Vidéo faite par Tony et Chelsea Northrup. Il y a une partie consacrée à un vol sous drone qui prouve que les mouvements du vol rendent la vidéo "nauséeuse".
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